Why do women leave?

The Harvard Business Review did a study on why women in their 30′s leave the workforce. Top answers:

1. New Job

2. Not enough opportunity here. 

3. Work is not that interesting

4. imbalance between pay and time at work

5. Starting a family

The researchers assumed #5 ie: work/life balance would be the top reason and were surprised by the results. Here at the Second Shift we think pay and opportunity play into people leaving, yes, but the underlying cause is family pressure. Working a full time job and taking care of your young family puts enormous pressure on working women in their 30s. If they see that they are not advancing because family needs, and their pay is lower than they think they deserve, and the opportunity for advancement is not there– then the emotional and financial calculation for staying tips the delicate work/life balance and drives them from the office.  
